Dedicated to helping seniors enjoy healthier, safer, more productive and dignified lives, the New York Foundation for Eldercare (NYFE) supports the elderly population and Holocaust survivors in New York City.
Supporting Community Programs and Organizations: NYFE directly provides community programs to effectuate these objectives. It also provides grants to eligible organizations for these purposes.
Supporting Geriatric Medical Training: Integral to this mission is the development of a strong, knowledgeable, and respectful corps of health care professionals. While we recognize the importance of research in the field, we hold paramount the need to make each medical professional visit with older individuals a respectful, caring and knowledgeable human interaction. With this as a guiding philosophy, NYFE supports clinical training and educational opportunities for physicians and mental health professionals that are grounded in New York City area nursing homes and other settings where older, frail individuals may be treated. The Foundation also supports efforts to attract and retain high quality health care professionals to the field of clinical geriatric practice.
Supporting Holocaust survivors: NYFE is also mindful of the devastating and long term injuries suffered by survivors of the Holocaust, many of whom are experiencing the challenges of aging along with financial distress. NYFE is dedicated to providing supportive services to older Holocaust survivors who live in New York City.